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School News & Information

Find out what's happening in your school.

Open House

Open House 

Thursday, Aug 22nd 4:00PM to 7:00PM

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration

May 9th at 5:30PM

Teacher of the Year-Mrs. Amanda Minton

Teacher of the Year-Mrs. Amanda Minton

Beginning Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Noemi Graham


Beginning Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Noemi Graham

Teacher Assistant of the Year-Mrs. Vicki Terry


Teacher Assistant of the Year: Mrs. Vicki Terry.

Classified Staff Member of the Year-Mr. Andy Stanley



Student Read Alouds

Student read alouds from the Yellow Tulip Project. 


Literacy At Home

In order to provide continuing support for North Carolina’s youngest readers, The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Office of Early Learning has developed and released “Literacy at Home.”

Character Trait of the Month

Each month, we will celebrate a character trait.

2023-2024 Student Handbook

Stoney Creek Elementary School Handbook

Online Parent Survey

It is the goal of Caswell County Schools to foster the participation of families in meaningful consultation, planning, implementation, and evaluation of Title I programs and activities.

Incident Tip Line

Please report any incidents of bullying that may be happening in our schools, on our schools' buses, or online during school hours.

District News & Announcements

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Mr. McGowen Driver of the month

Driver of the Month for Secondary Schools

Jonathan Barnes - Bartlett Yancey & N.L. Dillard

Pictured (Left to Right): Mr. Barnes, Driver -  John Berdine, Transportation Director - Mr. Stokes, Principal.

Mr. Barnes worked tirelessly transporting our students everyday and stepping up to take on additional routes or time when asked.  

Read More about Bus Driver of the Month
Melissa Comalander Driver of the month

Driver of the Month for Elementary Schools:

Jane Watlington - Stoney Creek Elementary

Pictured (Left to Right): Jane Watlington, Driver - Dr. Moore, Principal.

Ms. Watlington worked tirelessly transporting our students everyday and stepping up to take on additional routes or time when asked.  

Read More about Bus Driver Of the Month
bus route

Padres y estudiantes, manténganse informados y conectados con la aplicación "Here Comes the Bus". 🚍📲

Con esta útil herramienta, pueden:
✔️ Ver la ubicación en tiempo real del autobús de su hijo en un mapa
✔️ Consultar los horarios programados y reales de llegada a casa y la escuela
✔️ Recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico y alertas push cuando el autobús esté cerca

¡No pierda un momento y haga que las mañanas sean más fáciles!

Descargue la aplicación hoy y manténgase al tanto. Busque "Here Comes the Bus" en su tienda de aplicaciones.

ℹ️ Para más información o asistencia, visite nuestro sitio web.

Read More about 📢 Recordatorio: ¡Descargue la aplicación "Here Comes the Bus" hoy!

Latest News and Announcements

Upcoming Events

By The Numbers



Stoney Creek has 143 students.


Student-Teacher Ratio



Students 1:1 Chromebook Devices

The 1:1 implementation started in our distrcit since 2015.